Monday, May 14, 2007

Subs Away!

I'm back up to a whopping two stories trudging through slush.

The new story features a trans-dimensional pet door. I had the story critted by a handful of trusty critters last week and revised accordingly. I'd hoped to trim things down by a few hundred words, but in the process of clarifying things that were a bit muddled in the first draft, I ended up adding more words than I cut, so it ended up being about 3500 words.

Now that that's done, I do actually have to start and finish packing now. Between moving and WisCon, it'll be a couple weeks before I get settled in enough to do any more writing. I'm hoping to get a batch of revisions out the door in June though.


Blogger gordsellar said...

Trans-d pet-door sounds good. After all, not everyone's cat can walk through walls. Ba-dum-dum.

Seriously, though, sounds like a cool story idea. Hope I get a chance to see it sometime!

May 22, 2007, 7:17:00 AM  

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