Friday, June 01, 2007

Not Dead...

Just keeping a low-profile. I did come back from WisCon (wonderful time, met many lovely people) with a bit of a bug, probably from getting less than my usual gajillion hours of beauty rest. But that's cleared up now.

The real reason that I've not been blogging is that I've been, uh, working. Now that we're relatively settled in to the new house and I don't have the excuses of either day-jobbing or taking care of my dad to worry about (for now), I have the one thing I've always wished for: hours of free time to write. Scary. I even have a dedicated writing room. So now that the pressure's on, I've been trying to be a good little writer and actually be productive.

To which end, I've revised another story and have it ready to send out after a quick proofread. That makes a whopping two post-CW stories completed. Yay, me!


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